Friday, June 12, 2009

Gangsta rap made me do it

Recently in class we have been discussing the use of gangsta rap in society to discriminate against alot of different groups of people. We have discovered that the lyrics in some of this music can promote many different types of violence, especially against women. They make it seem like women are something to be used and made to be worthless. The rappers that promote this type of thing are very misguided on what they should be putting in their videos. Saying all these differnt things about women in their songs like calling them hoes and bitches, can make their audience believe it is okay to treat women with that type of disrespect. And that certainly is not how anyone deserves to be treated. These entertainers have to realize that their music is listened to be a broader audience then they make expect, and they may have younger viewers they are appealing to that really shouldent be exposed to those ideas. Promoting violence against women, and in general supporting violence is not a responsible way to expose yourself to the public.

Rap supports alot of negative views on the way of life that children are beign raised in today. They make children think that stealing, assualt and even murder are a part of life that is to be just dealed with. When really no one should ever have to go threw some of those things. Suppoting these ideas really speaks to rappers character that they have nothing other to rap about then pimping hoes and killing for no reason.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Male and Female Gender Roles

Over the past little while we have been analyzing the roles that both genders play in todays society. We have noticed that the traditional roles of the two and completely different in that way how one gender has been able to almost dominate society. In todays society to be a man is to be a hero and to know that your the tough guy you think you are. And that women may have the need for men, when really they dont. Women in todays world have come a long way from the days of segregation against women and the women rights movement helped to portray women as real people and a major part of society. Women faught for the right to vote and to be noticed as a person, thats why I dont understand when women go into music videos and do nothing but humiliate themselves at the hands of men. If todays women were not going to respect themselves then what was the point of the entire women rights movenment? It is a very bad sterotype to say that women are not as important as men. Some men still need to realize that it is the 21st century and that we are past the days of objectifying women for a mans personnal needs. But at the same time the women that are still doing these things to set back women as a race, they need to stop all of that and be stronger and stand up and say that they wont do those things anymore because of the way that it objectifies women. They need to think about all that they are throwing away by doing those things.

Now to be a man in today's society isnt really any different because of the pressure that males have to be a fighter and an aggresser in life. All males are told whne growing up is to be stong and tough and to not let anyboby push you around. And that is somewhat true but for some males that is no the way they want to live there life. Most males who are put into these types of violent situations dont want to be there in the first place. But when the pressure is on them they do not turn down because of what they will be called if they dont fight. And no man wants to be called a faggot, pussy, wimp or any other name to make them feel inferior and feel they must fight to be the bigger man. When it turn being a bigger man would be to just walk away and not let those thigns get to you and to really just be yourself.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Diversity Matters

Diversity plays a major role in television and in general media. You need to be diverse in todays world because other races are not seen as inferior like they used to be. Ethnicitys other then white people are not standing up for their rights as humans to be recognized by society. To be diverse is to be open to diferent ideas other then your own, and to recognize people for who they are and not what race they happen to be a part of. People are more then the colour of their skin, and some people still dont understand that.

You even see it in the cartoons, that should be teaching children to be more tolerant of others and to be respectful, have the bad guy or the antagonist in the story to be a person of colour or differnt ethnicity. That is wrong to teach to kids because they believe that is what it is like in the real world. And it clearly is not. And What are the coloured children watching the same shows supposed to think? They are made out to be terrorists or evil maniacs in these cartoons, so is it telling them to be like that when they get older. They may think that is all they do and all they are good for, and to have a child think those things about himslef are terrible.

In order for television to be a more diverse home for all races, they must first recognize all races on the shows they give to the public. By putting other race characters in the shows it tells those people that they can be more then a sterotype. Diversity matters in television so children do not grow up thinking these things about there fellow man, and televison should portray every race the same way.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Middle Eastern Rape Law

Last Wednesday, More that 100 Afghan women protested a new law in parts of the middle east that suggests marital rape and is incredibly demeaning to women. The new law says that a husband can demand sex from his wife every 4 days unless she is ill or would be harmed by intercourse. The law also says If the woman is menstrating or the day is holy there are expectations. This law is very controversial and demeaning to the woman race beacuse it says that men are still a dominant race in this world when most of the world has gotten past that. The law also has restrictions and regulates when and why a woman may leave her house. That is jsut ridiculous to give a person those type of restrictions in todays world when we are supposed to look past segregation and woman suffarage. Though the law is not in place os of yet, and is being reviewed in its current form. Goverments around the world are outraged and President Barack Obama has deemed it as "abhorrent".

As for the actual protest last week, the 100 women protesting the troubling law were greeted by counter-protesters who shouted down the womens chants, and even came to the extreme of stoning them. Shouting things like " Death to the slaves of the Christians!”, says how much that part of the world is still under opression and how ignotrant they can be to the Western world.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Britney Sears is the most highly publisized celebrity in hollywood. If shes not being critisized for being overweight, or being a bad mother, shes being critisized for bad performances and looking insane in the public eye. Thats just the everyday life of Britney Spears. She literally cannot walk down the isle at a walmart without being agressivly followed by paparazzi willing to do anything to get a picture of Britney doing something embarrasing. In my opinion, I thin that the paparazzi have taken things a bit to far with Britney. Even to the point where they run her life. Although, Britney would not be the same person without the paps following her around all the time. She thrives on media attention just to be what people are talking about that day. In the end Britney jsut wants people to keep talking, and has much has she says she hates day to day living with the paparazzi, she will continue to do anything in her power to keep them writing stories about her and her crazy life style.

Britney also gets highly critisized about her phsyical appearence. Always getting called fat or overweight, when clearly she is not. This says some vey harsh things about the society we live in. If all that people care about is how a person looks well then I guess the human race is naturally ignorant. Because it seems that whenever a picture of certain celebrities( especially Britney) comes out, the first thing people do is point out the flaws and imperfections on that person.

Many celebrities these days are taking things into there own hands with pushy paparazzi. Brad Pitt has said that he hates the paparazzi and cant believe that they do that for a living. I think It is the celebrites own fault that they are canstantly in the public eye. But that dosent mean that if you dont agree with the paparazzis methods that you cant physically abuse them in any way. They have to realize that they have the right to take the picture and live with it.