Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Diversity Matters

Diversity plays a major role in television and in general media. You need to be diverse in todays world because other races are not seen as inferior like they used to be. Ethnicitys other then white people are not standing up for their rights as humans to be recognized by society. To be diverse is to be open to diferent ideas other then your own, and to recognize people for who they are and not what race they happen to be a part of. People are more then the colour of their skin, and some people still dont understand that.

You even see it in the cartoons, that should be teaching children to be more tolerant of others and to be respectful, have the bad guy or the antagonist in the story to be a person of colour or differnt ethnicity. That is wrong to teach to kids because they believe that is what it is like in the real world. And it clearly is not. And What are the coloured children watching the same shows supposed to think? They are made out to be terrorists or evil maniacs in these cartoons, so is it telling them to be like that when they get older. They may think that is all they do and all they are good for, and to have a child think those things about himslef are terrible.

In order for television to be a more diverse home for all races, they must first recognize all races on the shows they give to the public. By putting other race characters in the shows it tells those people that they can be more then a sterotype. Diversity matters in television so children do not grow up thinking these things about there fellow man, and televison should portray every race the same way.

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